acupuncture SERVICES

Acupuncture is based on ancient chinese medicine dating back thousands of years. In conjunction with standard western medicine, acupuncture can help maximize the effectiveness of medicine and reduce possible side effects.

Acupuncture is often used in

  • pain management

  • women’s health

  • gastrointestinal disorders

  • nervous system and muscular disorders

  • stress management

  • fatigue

$55/session (Employees and Spouses: $50/session)
Prices are subject to change.

(Acupuncture services to do not earn HealthyDirections+ points)

Acupuncture services are offered in partnership with the American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) at most of our Houston Methodist locations. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 713.780.9786 or email